Thursday 14 October 2010

This is a pixar short film that shows the love between a man and woman called Carl and Ellie, it is emotional throughout until Ellie's dieing day.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Analysis of Narrative :

Theme: Despair    Genre: Drama   Plot: A story thats about a girl who over comes despair

Main character: Is a girl that has lost her sister
Exposition: The girls depressed
Development: She looks at all her personal objects, that reminds her of past memories that they shared
Complication: Reading her sister's journal she falls back into depression
Climax: Is the final journal entry in her sisters journal
Resolution: She gains hope again and finally accepts her sisters death

The issues that are dealt with in our short film is death, acceptance, bereavement, treasuring memories, and good times in the past give you hope.

Monday 4 October 2010

This short animated film is about:
An old man plays piano, while remembering moments and people that have gone past him during his life time. At the end of the piano session, he sees his future - his grandchild who plays with his childhood wooden hobby horse. The grandchild sits with the old man and looks at him admirably for his amazing piano skills.

This short film links to our group idea for our short film, by the girl losing her sister, and here the grandad loses his wife and then gains a granchild in the end.