Wednesday 1 December 2010

Mock up film poster

This is my mock up film poster for our short film. The title of our short film is Bringing back hope.
I have placed a drawing of our main character who is called hope. I think is important to show the signifiance of her character by showing her emotion. This is a still shot from our short film, where she looks depressed by the fact her sister has died. I have placed the most important object in our film, which is the journal of the sister, the journal signifies the end result of her hope, and this is why it is shown largely.
It holds all the memorable, important stages in our film. The light bulb above her head siginifes a brighter day to come at the end of  her sorrow. My tag line for the poster is 'at the end of the tunnel there is hope.' I chose this because I feel that it goes with the moral of our film overall by prestenting a hope at the end of a difficult situation. The type of auidence it attracts are females aged 16-25 because of the plot of the film, which focuses on real life issues of lossing someone close to you. In the narrative and the genre of our short film which is drama the auidence is expected to see drama conventions within our film that express deep emotions presented on screen from the two sisters individuallly.