Wednesday 1 December 2010

Mock up film poster

This is my mock up film poster for our short film. The title of our short film is Bringing back hope.
I have placed a drawing of our main character who is called hope. I think is important to show the signifiance of her character by showing her emotion. This is a still shot from our short film, where she looks depressed by the fact her sister has died. I have placed the most important object in our film, which is the journal of the sister, the journal signifies the end result of her hope, and this is why it is shown largely.
It holds all the memorable, important stages in our film. The light bulb above her head siginifes a brighter day to come at the end of  her sorrow. My tag line for the poster is 'at the end of the tunnel there is hope.' I chose this because I feel that it goes with the moral of our film overall by prestenting a hope at the end of a difficult situation. The type of auidence it attracts are females aged 16-25 because of the plot of the film, which focuses on real life issues of lossing someone close to you. In the narrative and the genre of our short film which is drama the auidence is expected to see drama conventions within our film that express deep emotions presented on screen from the two sisters individuallly.

Friday 26 November 2010

Analysis of film poster

This is another film poster for Changeling. It cleary presents sorrow and despair with the use of colours black, brown and grey. Her looking into a distance from the window suggests she has a sense of hope and the yellow bright light signifies a hope and a possibilty of a new beggining. The newspaper in hand suggests she wants to be informed. I think this is another good example of a film poster that reflects the theme of our short film.

Analysis of film poster

This is a film poster of a film called changeling. It is a film about a mother who's son is missing. I felt this drama film poster links with the theme of our short film which is despair. The enlargement on her face shows the significance of her character and it shows her emotion. The dark brown on the poster signifes the feeling of sorrow. The dark shadow on her face signifies her despair and anixety for her missing son. I think this is a good example of a film poster that can connect to the plot of our film, which is the loss of a sister.The total dark shadow on the son demonstrates how he is lost and distant from the mother.

The second film poster on the top shows her holding a teddy, which is a object dear to the son. It is similar to our short film, because the sisters teddy is also dear to her.The majority of the backgorund is black and this creates the mood of the mothers sorrow and depression by her sons loss. I think this is another good example that portrays our theme.

Monday 15 November 2010


Girl (Hope)
Tosin Oluyadi: 
Plays the main sister. She is devastated by her sister's loss. She often gives her sister a reality check about the way she behaves and tells her to grow up. She gets frustrated with her sisters behaviour because she finds her annoying. She is the more shy sister.
Initially, we named the young girl Jessica so that the audience can relate to the character more. If she were to be nameless the audience may feel disconnected. We have now decided to call her Hope due to the irony of the name contrasting to the theme of the short film (Despair).


Priscilla Amankwah:
Plays the sister that has died. She often feels her sister is unfair to her and doesn't understand her. She feels her sister always has a say in everything she does. She gets frustrated when her sister takes her things away. She expresses her feelings in a diary, rather than saying things outloud to her sister, but she would rather keep her feelings inside. She is the more outspoken sister.
Deep down inside the two sisters have a strong sibling relationship and they stick by each other in the end.
We have not given the sister a name because we do not want the audience to get too attached to her character because the viewers attention will be drawn away from the main character.

What went well 

* Our information on the Frey Tag diagram was good
* The information on our props and the detail overall on our presentation was good

What didn't go well

* There was not enough information on our narrative
* The voice projection of our voices was low so our voices weren't heard clearly


* Everyone projecting their voices loudly
* Having more information on our narrative included on our presentation

My individual contribution 

* I did the information on the casting of our short film
* I did our audience research on drama, including the what stages of bereavement are
* I helped do the animatic storyboard by doing the voice overs with Tosin and the storyboard


Thursday 11 November 2010

Friday 5 November 2010

This short film is about a young girl loosing her father. This storyline is similar to our plot for our short film. In the middle of the short film the girl is dressed in black in her room waiting to go to her fathers funeral (which is likewise to our plot when the main character Hope waits to go to her sister's funeral) This girl expresses her frustrations towards her father dieing, which is similar to our main character (Hope) expressing her emotions too.

Thursday 14 October 2010

This is a pixar short film that shows the love between a man and woman called Carl and Ellie, it is emotional throughout until Ellie's dieing day.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Analysis of Narrative :

Theme: Despair    Genre: Drama   Plot: A story thats about a girl who over comes despair

Main character: Is a girl that has lost her sister
Exposition: The girls depressed
Development: She looks at all her personal objects, that reminds her of past memories that they shared
Complication: Reading her sister's journal she falls back into depression
Climax: Is the final journal entry in her sisters journal
Resolution: She gains hope again and finally accepts her sisters death

The issues that are dealt with in our short film is death, acceptance, bereavement, treasuring memories, and good times in the past give you hope.

Monday 4 October 2010

This short animated film is about:
An old man plays piano, while remembering moments and people that have gone past him during his life time. At the end of the piano session, he sees his future - his grandchild who plays with his childhood wooden hobby horse. The grandchild sits with the old man and looks at him admirably for his amazing piano skills.

This short film links to our group idea for our short film, by the girl losing her sister, and here the grandad loses his wife and then gains a granchild in the end.