Friday 26 November 2010

Analysis of film poster

This is a film poster of a film called changeling. It is a film about a mother who's son is missing. I felt this drama film poster links with the theme of our short film which is despair. The enlargement on her face shows the significance of her character and it shows her emotion. The dark brown on the poster signifes the feeling of sorrow. The dark shadow on her face signifies her despair and anixety for her missing son. I think this is a good example of a film poster that can connect to the plot of our film, which is the loss of a sister.The total dark shadow on the son demonstrates how he is lost and distant from the mother.

The second film poster on the top shows her holding a teddy, which is a object dear to the son. It is similar to our short film, because the sisters teddy is also dear to her.The majority of the backgorund is black and this creates the mood of the mothers sorrow and depression by her sons loss. I think this is another good example that portrays our theme.

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