Monday 15 November 2010


Girl (Hope)
Tosin Oluyadi: 
Plays the main sister. She is devastated by her sister's loss. She often gives her sister a reality check about the way she behaves and tells her to grow up. She gets frustrated with her sisters behaviour because she finds her annoying. She is the more shy sister.
Initially, we named the young girl Jessica so that the audience can relate to the character more. If she were to be nameless the audience may feel disconnected. We have now decided to call her Hope due to the irony of the name contrasting to the theme of the short film (Despair).


Priscilla Amankwah:
Plays the sister that has died. She often feels her sister is unfair to her and doesn't understand her. She feels her sister always has a say in everything she does. She gets frustrated when her sister takes her things away. She expresses her feelings in a diary, rather than saying things outloud to her sister, but she would rather keep her feelings inside. She is the more outspoken sister.
Deep down inside the two sisters have a strong sibling relationship and they stick by each other in the end.
We have not given the sister a name because we do not want the audience to get too attached to her character because the viewers attention will be drawn away from the main character.

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