Thursday 17 February 2011

3.How effective is the combination of your main product & ancillary texts?

The three main ancillary texts that my group produced were two film poster's and our film review :

This is one of our film's main poster. This poster links with our
main product (our drama short film) because the sister is shown
in black and white, as well as the background. This particular affect links with a particular scene in our film, which is the black and white flashback that presents the emotions of the sister at that moment, even though its not particularly that shot, it still identifies the deep, hidden emotions of the sister towards Hope's actions.

The diary of the sister is a very important, significant object in our film, within the poster it appears as (yellow) because it is signifying the hope that the main character (Hope) gains when reading the last diary entry from her sister. The tag line on our poster says 'one journal makes all the difference.' This tag line immediatly tells the audience the significance of the journal within our film. Our short film is a drama because it deals with real life issues such as death, bereavement, loss and isolation, it is therfore a serious, sensitve subject. It is targeted audience is teenagers, however parential guidance is necessary because of the issues it deals with so a PG sign is on our poster. The credits & actresses names are written in white to keep the poster simplistic, because of the issues dealt with. The title of our film is written in blue because this signifies the feelings of sorrow & sadness that Hope feels when her sister is dead.

This is our second film poster, which presents a good representation of the narrative of our short film. All of the sisters valuable personal   objects are shown, which is the (necklace that Hope gives to her  sister on her birthday. The sister's journal which holds memories of her that Hope reads, and lastly the sister's favourite teddy bear, that she values dearly. Hope is wearing mostly black within our film to present her emotions of sorrow and despair and to show her   mourning her sister. The fact that she's dressed in black is very  significant for the emotions that is presented in our film. The yellow affect around the title again connotes the hope gained at the end of our film. The purple writing is a reminder of all the happy memories that Hope shared with her sister e.g. the birthday scene showing the sister happy to recieve her gift from Hope. The use of colours grey and blue signifies the sadness Hope felt, which presents Hope's inner emotions.                                              

I came across a film poster that portrays very similar drama convent-
ions that our short film presents, the
use of black around the woman
signifies her despair, she is also holding
a valuabe object that her son held dear.
Even though this is not our poster, it
links alot with our theme of despair.
Also the yellow around the woman
suggests a hope to be regained and also
her dressed in white signifies a hope regained.
Similar to our poster, white writng is used
to create the simplicity. A lamp is aslo shown                
beside Hope in our short film to signify a hope
as shown here.

This is our film review which consists a screen grab of one of our scenes within our film which is the birthday scene. The quote below is one of the comments we got from our auidence feedback, these our main features from our main product (our short film) which fits perfectly with this particular ancillary task because a film review is a short glimspe of what to expect when watching the film, which this review successfully maps out. The warm bright colours shown in the film review presents the happy moments and a sense of hope for the main character. The main poster of our film is effective for a film review also. The last image of the sister writing her last diary entry before she leaves is a very key event within our film that does make all the difference as stated in the last quote next to it, which makes these two combinations very effective when combined together to present the message of hope across to the audience.

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