Monday 14 February 2011

1.In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms & conventions of real media products?

Information added : Our film also presents the conventions of Fretags pyramid :

Exposition: The sister is depressed
Rising Ation: She looks at all her sisters personal objects, that reminds her of past memories that they shared
Complication: Reading her sister's journal she falls back into depression
Climax: Is the final journal entry in her sisters journal
Resolution: She gains hope again to continue with life and finally accepts her sisters death

* Flashbacks are commonly shown in drama's to create effect within a film, our flashbacks create different moods e.g. the first flashback,  of the birthday scene is in a bright setting signifying the happy moments shared with one another.
* The second flashback is black and white which signifies the sisters resentment to hope due to a quarrel they shared.
*The use of non-digetic music of the soundtrack creates another drama convention where the music links with emotion and action
*Our film compares to another film called 'when five fell' because it uses also meaningful objects that represent memories, our film does this with the sister's journal that maps out the memories shared with her and hope.
* At the end of our film, as Hope fixes her hair & coat and leaves the room, this signifies her hope returning. This scene also links with the film, Mariposa, where the girl is dressed in white & goes outside to a brighter setting, signifiying better days are ahead & the butterfly flies away, representing her freedom at last.
* Drama's are able to identify the nature of a character & within our film the audience can clearly identify characteristics of hope & her sister. The sister is outspoken & shares her frustrations with hope when she finds her belongings missing
* Hope is the shy character and doesn't draw attention to herself like how her sister does, we also didn't give the sister a name because in drama's it's important to focus on the main character.

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