Thursday 17 February 2011

4.How did you use media technologies in the construction & research, planning & evaluation stages ?

One of the media technologies I've used is final cut express, when creating our animatic storyboard voice overs and also editing our film scenes. This program helped to construct our media product (our short   film). I used it to do the voice overs of the sisters diary entries, which helped the flow of our film. I also learn't how to experiment sound on final cut, seeing what type of sound was affective for our film.I also used a microphone as an alternative to record voiceovers and uploaded those voiceovers on final cut express.

I also occasionally used google to research about drama films, film posters and I aslo watched short drama films on youtube to get a feel of what type of narratives were expected and how drama conventions were formed and presented. These technologies were used for my research and planning process for our short film.
I aslo researched vital information for the construction of our short film e.g. the stages of bearevement, film reviews and drama conventions. I used  blogger to blog the work that I completed, through using this program I learn't how to post information, videos, images and prezi's. Blogger allows me to present my creativity visually and in word. Overall all  these variety of technologies were vitial & helped me to grow confident in using them, and helped me with the research, planning and construction for our short film. Also for the evaluation stages of our film, I used final cut to improve voiceovers to make the dialogue better.

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